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Are kids smoking weed younger than ever?

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"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."

Benjamin Franklin


Keep drugs illegal to protect the best interest of the public. You'll understand when you get older in a few years.


the best interest of the public is getting more money into the publics pockets so they can get off foodstamps you know how many families depend on money through cigarettes and alcohol my family has made a living off of selling those products since the 70's you know how much tax revenue is projected for the state of Colorado this year More than $133 Million Dollars in this fiscal year.


by making all of it illegal (alcohol cigarettes and pot) you, criminalize a Populous that already has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world (which means less money for the government and the funding for needed services)

 and You Destroy entire family's who depend on money from business's that sell these products causing a higher bankruptcy rate AND a skyrocket in Unemployment thus lowering our country's economy even more

not even mentioning the family's that you destroy indirectly, the family's that depend on government services that would suffer from higher incarceration rates and a deflated economy.. services such as welfare, foodstamps, etc.


and by the way Benjamin franklin also said

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”


taking away the freedom to smoke or drink what ever you want to be secure and have a "safer" population??


which by the way by making everything illegal it would do nothing but make the population even less safe look at the prohibition days..

when the government outlawed alcohol people started making it in their backyards the process of making it killed quite a bit of people actually

but they still did it and sold it similar to how drug dealers sell any drug and then the government legalized it and now its everywhere.. on your commercials being sponsored by shows sports etc things that millions of people watch and the government has made SOOOOO much money on it since they legalized it because of all of the taxes and regulations that's why the government would never make alcohol and cigarettes illegal now regardless on if its good for you or not because its too much of a cash cow for us, and whether you think its right or not marijuana would be one of the biggest cash cows the government will most likely ever see, Colorado is already experiencing it, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-24/washington-races-colorado-for-billions-in-pot-tax-revenue.html 2.1 Billion Dollars for those two states combined over the next 5 years that all im saying.

Edited by XBR410


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the best interest of the public is getting more money into the publics pockets so they can get off foodstamps you know how many families depend on money through cigarettes and alcohol my family has made a living off of selling those products since the 70's you know how much tax revenue is projected for the state of Colorado this year More than $133 Million Dollars in this fiscal year.


by making all of it illegal (alcohol cigarettes and pot) you, criminalize a Populous that already has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world (which means less money for the government and the funding for needed services)

 and You Destroy entire family's who depend on money from business's that sell these products causing a higher bankruptcy rate AND a skyrocket in Unemployment thus lowering our country's economy even more

not even mentioning the family's that you destroy indirectly, the family's that depend on government services that would suffer from higher incarceration rates and a deflated economy.. services such as welfare, foodstamps, etc.


and by the way Benjamin franklin also said

“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”


taking away the freedom to smoke or drink what ever you want to be secure and have a "safer" population??


which by the way by making everything illegal it would do nothing but make the population even less safe look at the prohibition days..

when the government outlawed it people started making it in their backyards the process of making it killed quite a bit of people actually

but they still did it and sold it similar to how drug dealers sell any drug and then the government legalized it and now its everywhere.. on your commercials being sponsored by shows sports etc things that millions of people watch and the government has made SOOOOO much money on it since they legalized it because of all of the taxes and regulations that's why the government would never make alcohol and cigarettes illegal now regardless on if its good for you or not because its too much of a cash cow for us, and whether you think its right or not marijuana would be one of the biggest cash cows the government will most likely ever see, Colorado is already experiencing it, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-06-24/washington-races-colorado-for-billions-in-pot-tax-revenue.html 2.1 Billion Dollars for those two states combined over the next 5 years that all im saying.


If you want to drink your self to death go ahead, if you want to smoke your self to death (cigarettes) go ahead. Those things are legal. But don't use ANY drug near me, around me, and don't talk about your use to me. So far alcohol and cigarettes is legal in all 50 states but marijuana is not. And like I said before, the ONLY good thing I see from the legalization of marijuana is the state income tax. And with that money we can pay for things NOT for food stamps and welfare (waste of money).


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If you want to drink your self to death go ahead, if you want to smoke your self to death (cigarettes) go ahead. Those things are legal. But don't use ANY drug near me, around me, and don't talk about your use to me. So far alcohol and cigarettes is legal in all 50 states but marijuana is not. And like I said before, the ONLY good thing I see from the legalization of marijuana is the state income tax. And with that money we can pay for things NOT for food stamps and welfare (waste of money).

so to you we're wasting money on the less fortunate? the ones that depend on shit like that?? good lord, what the hell happened to what's best for the public? have you seen the percentage of Americans that are unemployed or on foodstamps/welfare and other services? how can you say that's a waste of money?

here's what wasting money really looks like..

"Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties"

"Washington will spend $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job"

"Health care fraud is estimated to cost taxpayers more than $60 billion annually"

"Washington will spend $126 million in 2009 to enhance the Kennedy family legacy in Massachusetts. Additionally, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) diverted $20 million from the 2010 defense budget to subsidize a new Edward M. Kennedy Institute"

should I go on?

here's the source link for those who want to see



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Public safety and health (prevent car crashes, etc) not financially


And I know that the U.S. wastes money left and right but each state can regulate the income for what they need (I'm a proud Republican)


Never trust the government with your money, because it will be wasted.

Edited by The_Admiral
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- snip

If Alcohol was made illegal it would make the public less safe

alcohol doesn't cause car accidents Stupid people who drive while drunk cause car accidents

same thing as saying guns kill people, people kill people..

any one who is stupid enough and doesn't care about other people enough to not drive drunk

OR high is a fucked up person in my opinion.

Public safety will go up if it gets legalized as it will help stop drug related violence

such as cartels and drug dealers (mainly cartels im not gonna post any links of the violence its not hard to find) there are entire wars going on in mexico right now over territory near the border to be able to smuggle drugs in the the US mainly marijuana if marijuana gets legalized they all either go out of business or switch to a different drug also I think if marijuana was easier to access I don't think people go to other drugs as much, now its just speculation but that's just what I think based on my experiences with people who smoke pot..

Edited by XBR410


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- snip


Why did you "snip" it?


Listen you can take what I said into consideration to better your life in the future or not. But I'm not going to keep arguing with you over the internet. What you do is your business just don't do it around people who don't want that kind of "bad" influence. You're young and don't know whats best, but over time you will start to understand.

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Why did you "snip" it?


Listen you can take what I said into consideration to better your life in the future or not. But I'm not going to keep arguing with you over the internet. What you do is your business just don't do it around people who don't want that kind of "bad" influence. You're young and don't know whats best, but over time you will start to understand.

I snipped it because the way I had tried to explain my opinion had been messed up by the forums to where it couldn't be understood go check what I had typed under it just now

and.. yo.. bruh who the hell are you calling young? how old are you?? condescendence is not appreciated plus judging from your member title you cant be over 23 unless you failed at being a trooper. (which I hope to god I never have to go through NC IF its full of people like you, especially troopers)


well whatever I figured that I would be able to have a civilized debate with some one but you don't seem to have the competence that's required


oh by the way, coming from someone who's family is 100% republican in a democrat state, you REALLY make republicans look bad.

Edited by XBR410


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I snipped it because the way I had tried to explain my opinion had been messed up by the forums to where it couldn't be understood go check what I had typed under it just now

and.. yo.. bruh who the hell are you calling young? how old are you?? condescendence is not appreciated plus judging from your member title you cant be over 23 unless you failed at being a trooper. (which I hope to god I never have to go through NC IF its full of people like you, especially troopers)

I may not even be 16 but I have seen things that I hope never happen to me. And many people have told me to keep on the right track to be a trooper. But I can tell by the way you think that (at least in your post) that you seem to think foolish, sorry but it is what it is. Plus you know nothing about me. And you can say nothing about who I am or what I represent. Go ahead and use your illegal drugs and do what you want because you won't listen to reason, I'm done arguing with a person who thinks they know everything . Edited by The_Admiral
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I may not even be 16 but I have seen things that I hope never happen to me. And many people have told me to keep on the right track to be a trooper. But I can tell by the way you think that (at least in your post) that you seem to think foolish, sorry but it is what it is.


so you're young, how do you know that what you know is best and that you wont change your mind in a few years when you witness more things?


that was quite hypocritical of you to say

Edited by XBR410


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Ppl need to educate themselves and stop being sheeple



:P Knew I would see something from you.

I may not even be 16 but I have seen things that I hope never happen to me. And many people have told me to keep on the right track to be a trooper. But I can tell by the way you think that (at least in your post) that you seem to think foolish, sorry but it is what it is. Plus you know nothing about me. And you can say nothing about who I am or what I represent. Go ahead and use your illegal drugs and do what you want because you won't listen to reason, I'm done arguing with a person who thinks they know everything .


You have seen things huh?


You know i used to be  more against pot than you at your age. However when I actually seen things..lmfao. I realized I had been misinformed all my life.


You will get there one day. You will realize things are not as they seem, you are young and have A LOT to learn. It may seem like everything you have been told just has to be true, its not. You are a Sheeple and hopefully you will wake up one day.

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Hey guys, sorry about the terrible grammar in the title but there is a huge problem(to me) in my school. As a kid who's always been interested in LE I hate hearing about kids smoking weed and not being able to anything about about it. Now I''m not a hardass about marijuana, if ur and adult do whatever u like, but the problem is I know kids who have been smoking weed since 7th, 8th grade. I'm in 9th grade now and I'm trying to figure out why kids are smoking this early. I'm not talking about  the kids who tried it to be cool, I know kids who are regular smokers and drinkers, they post pictures and etc. Is school that stressful? Do they mainly do it to try in fit in with the upperclassmen or is it something else? I hate the idea of inhaling any kind of smoke into my lungs because 1. My dad's a cop 2. I enjoy a possible future into LE 3. It seems gross as F***. Anyway thats my rant and it kinda worries me that they are doing it this early.



haha looks like you have a lot to learn about life kid. 


alot of people beat me to it, and XBR410 makes many good points.


And first off, I would like to say, No, kids are not smoking and drinking earlier. We just hear about it more because of social media and the impact it has on communication. Plus your only in 9th grade. You have a long way to go in life (which, once you graduate, will all put into perspective how short 4 years really is and how much of your life is still ahead of you). being so young i don't understand how you have seen when generations start using drugs..


And yes school is that stressful and life can be even more stressful, but young people party and have always partied.


I hear stories from my dad, uncles, and girls parents about back in the day (growing up in 70's, 1980's for my girls parents..) I would say if anything kids and teens are starting a bit later. The hippy era in the united states had a lot of young people using psychedelics, but the world goes on, and without the 1970's our america wouldn't be what it is today.


As for marijuana, don't let something so harmless get to your head and stress you. I've been smoking for a long time, and I do all the things a person enjoys in life, in my case working on cars. going to the beach, hiking, all that. only difference is i enjoy life more than everyone else. And im not telling you to smoke weed, it isn't for everyone. but please don't think of it as bad as "molly" (bathsalt sold as mdma) or meth. If the DEA would stop putting their resources on weed and focused it on busting hard drugs, the world would be a better place.


on another note, when I go to the Medical Marijuana Dispensary, everyone there is so polite. The other patients and stuff. everyone holds the door for each other, says thank you, and are more polite to each other that anywhere else I've experienced in society.


So the moral to my story, chill out, stop worrying about other people all the time and enjoy your life, because if you spend it worrying about what everyone else is doing, your only taking away from doing all you can do. Young people are going to smoke weed, and drink. Lets just hope its weed, alcohol is more dangerous (weed cant kill you, look it up) which can cause you to black out and choke on your own vomit and die. with weed, you will get chilled out and not vomit (THC prevents nausea)


remember kid -


Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge
You may not know the harships people don't speak of
It's best to step back, and observe with couth
For we all must meet our moment of truth




oh yeah, and I love how soooo many people on these boards are acting like this is some kind of message board for real LEO's to discuss various things, and that stoners aren't welcome, law enforcement (wannabees) only.. hahahahaha..you remember this is a MOD for GRAND THEFT AUTO right? Made by ROCKSTAR GAMES?! KNOWN FOR COMEDIC DRUG REFERENCES IN THEIR GAMES?!!?!?




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:P Knew I would see something from you.


You have seen things huh?


You know i used to be  more against pot than you at your age. However when I actually seen things..lmfao. I realized I had been misinformed all my life.


You will get there one day. You will realize things are not as they seem, you are young and have A LOT to learn. It may seem like everything you have been told just has to be true, its not. You are a Sheeple and hopefully you will wake up one day.


I hope I don't don't "wake up" one day and become someone like you.


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I hope I don't don't "wake up" one day and become someone like you.



Your Right I hope you dont either!


You might realize weed is actually good for you..


Cause ME - Been smoking weed for years - the past 3 years I have smoked every single day...but Im a normal guy who gets paid shit loads to sit at a computer all day at a Job I love, I have a beautiful Wife, Amazing Son, I get to smoke weed everyday, I never have to worry about money, I never have to stress about anything, I own a car and a house, have friends i get to see everyday, and my health is in tip top shape. Not a single thing wrong...I fucking love my life!


BUT your right - You dont wanna become soneone like ME...Cause weed has just ruined my life...lmfoa



Forget what I said before - If you wake up your head might explode - Go back to your herd sheep...

I'm in sixth grade and i have smoked weed.



Its just fun.


I love weed! I think it should be legal everywhere...but bud..That is not something to be proud of. You shouldnt smoke weed because "Its Fun" - dont get me wrong It is fun - its a blast!


But..Your in sixth grade, you SHOULD NOT be smoking weed. IT WILL EFFECT your brain develpoment at that young of an age.


You dont have any stress, and have lots to learn, so just wait till your at least 20.

Edited by WSPChiefReefer
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I'd rather be a sheep than a stoner.


Sheep(le) : Those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion or idea without analysis or research.


So you want to be an idiot who listens to ANYTHING ANYONE tells them the rest of your life?


Ill be a stoner... I like to think for myself.



Im not even gonna try to explain or reason with you little kids anymore I dont know why i even wasted my time on here.


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