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Month in Review: August


In our brand new monthly segment, we roundup the best releases and news stories revolving around the GTA Universe - From user modifications to site updates.


Welcome to our brand new segment, Month In Review! In this feature we'll be looking to round up the past month of news regarding the ongoings and developments within the modding community of the GTA universe. We'll also be adding in any other useful information that'll benefit our members.




August has been a fantastic month for user modifications and breakthroughs in the GTA community. We've recently updated our featured downloads section to highlight just a few!

Siren Mastery by @Albo1125

Another fantastic modification from the guy who just can't close Visual Studio! Albo's latest modification allows you to manually control your vehicle's sirens much like ELS did in GTA IV and choose what siren plays, all at the press of a button. This is a core modification that any avid roleplayer will surely need in their game to help complete their virtual policing experience. A short video of the modification can be found below:


LSPDFR Update Checker by @Justin991q


This simple, yet brilliant third party program checks all of your currently installed plugins and notifies you if a newer version is available. You can also enable and disable modifications with just a few mouse clicks and even launch RPH / GTA directly from the program! This tool is a must have for people like myself who like to install every callout plugin there is to add some variety to my game

Police Life S by @Anarchiyx3


This modification brings a big handful of added features to your game with stuff like a control panel, a hunger system, a rank system, a shift work system and much more. At time of publishing, PoliceLifeS still looks to be in an open alpha stage and is unstable, by downloading the mod and testing it out you'll be giving the developer essential feedback which'll help this mod reach a stable and final version even sooner!


Dynamically altering carcols at runtime by @LMS (The Merlin of Modern Times)

In what could be called one of the most exciting developments for GTA V since it's release, developers have found a way to alter the siren colours whilst ingame. This opens up a massive realm of possibility for individual lightbar colours on the same model without having to exit the game or install the model twice with minor edits!

First made possible by the OpenIV team by making the carcols.ymt file into an XML format, one of our members @Captain14 delved into the file here:

And then our own LMS had a tinker along with MulleDK19. the full findings can be found here:




This section of our monthly roundup will contain any important news regarding the website and additions.

Downtime and issues

In the past month we have had numerous times where the site has gone offline for hours at a time. Rest assured that whilst it can be frustrating, we are always working around the clock to get it back online as soon as possible.

The best way to keep up to date on site issues and posts is by following us on social media, we aim to post updates as soon as it happens and it helps eliminate the need for multiple help topics on the forums



Community Spotlight

Our monthly segment focusing on a member of the community that has helped contribute to the growth of LSPDFR will not be returning until October.

More news segments

We are planning on giving more life to the news section of our site, one way of doing this is adding more diverse segments such as this.

We'll be adding a photograph and video of the month segment at some point in September. More details will be available soon on the forums

That about rounds it up for this month's review, let us know what you think in the comments below. Thanks to @xMoD and @ineseri for their fantastic photographs


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