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The latest updated version of RAGE Plugin Hook, required to play LSPDFR, can be found inside the LSPDFR download. It is not currently available on the RAGE Plugin Hook website.

I'm new lspdfr user (GTA V)


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13 hours ago, SrSundayMornig said:


What should i do first ? Maybe like download some mods or something like that ? or knowing every type mods ?

Can i play GTA:O when i installed the lspdfr and another mods without not getting ban my GTA:O ?

Well, download LSPDFR, download the latest version of RPH and start exploring around the different download sections for various types of scripts, plugins and mods to make your game like you want it.


It's highly recommended to use a clean install when you setup LSPDFR and much more. I also recommend that you make a copy your Grand Theft Auto V folder, that way you have something to go back to in case something goes wrong or if you wanna play GTA:O. If you wanna play GTA:O it has to be launched from a clean GTA folder, it will also launch from the folder called 'Grand Theft Auto V'. So yes you have to rename the different folders before you play depending on what you want to play.


And no you can't play online, RagePluginHook will prevent you from launching into GTA:O, even if you were to get in by any chance you'll be banned. When playing on Rockstar's official servers you can't have anything else installed but the game itself.


Edit: If you wanna play online with mods and more, you can for example research about FiveM which allows you to play online without Rockstar's restrictions.



Edited by ElijahHall
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hmm, thank you for your respwan, i have used it before like lspdfr and lot of mods, but i was trauma because sometimes when i place the wrong file place that make my gta 5 crash and i can't open it again like car mod, siren and something like that i mean mod when using like openIV.. you have any suggestion to using mod in the right way so didn't make your game crash ? and about have two separate gta directories, can you explain to me what is that actually ? Thank you 

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