------------------------ [INFO - 8:51:31 PM] [Log] Started [INFO - 8:51:31 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing... [INFO - 8:51:31 PM] [Main] Main: LCPDFR Engine (C) 2011-2013 LMS [INFO - 8:51:31 PM] [Main] Main: DO NOT USE THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT SHARE, MODIFY OR DECOMPILE THIS FILE. [INFO - 8:51:31 PM] [PluginManager] Initialize: Loading custom plugins [WARNING - 8:51:32 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid entry [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE2 [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter PSTOCKADE [WARNING - 8:51:32 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid option: POLICE3 [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.Main] Changing language to en-US [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin detected version: [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Checking calloutsPlus.ini file... [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Reading keybinds from configuration file [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin started [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [NooseMod Controller] NooseMod successfully loaded 8 missions into the list. [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Started [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Mission Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Overall Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod.RelationshipSwitcher] Relationship Switcher: Ready [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Started [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.Supervillains] Started [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] TheWasteland: initialized. [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Plugin.WoutersCallouts] Started WoutersCallouts v1.1 [INFO - 8:51:32 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing done [ERROR - 20.51.32] [PluginManager] Unhandled exception caught while processing plugin: SecuricarThefts. Plugin will no longer be executed. [ERROR - 20.51.32] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 79 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 158 [ERROR - 20.51.32] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0026 Error hash: A086E6EB33C9383CB6906046980162E991F310F2 [ERROR - 20.51.32] [Main] CRITICAL ERROR DURING MAINLOOP! REPORT THIS ISSUE AT LCPDFR.COM BY INCLUDING THIS LOGFILE. [ERROR - 20.51.32] [] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 87 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 169 at LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Main.cs:line 293 [ERROR - 20.51.32] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0099 LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_00c9 Error hash: BE6CE69FCC80C5A847659D5618E85B3C6D0FF363 [INFO - 8:51:35 PM] [Plugin.Main] Running LCPD First Response LCPDFR 1.1 2011-2015 LMS (1.0.5552.34577) 3/15/2015 7:12:34 PM [INFO - 8:51:35 PM] [Plugin.Main] Copyright © 2010-2015, G17 Media, www.lcpdfr.com [INFO - 20.51.40] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Internet connection available [INFO - 8:51:40 PM] [Script.Ambient] Autosave is disabled [INFO - 8:51:40 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Callouts have been registered successfully [INFO - 8:51:40 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] OnDutyStateChanged performed properly. ------------------------ [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Log] Started [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing... [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Main] Main: LCPDFR Engine (C) 2011-2013 LMS [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Main] Main: DO NOT USE THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT SHARE, MODIFY OR DECOMPILE THIS FILE. [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [PluginManager] Initialize: Loading custom plugins [WARNING - 8:54:53 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid entry [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE2 [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter PSTOCKADE [WARNING - 8:54:53 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid option: POLICE3 [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.Main] Changing language to en-US [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin detected version: [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Checking calloutsPlus.ini file... [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Reading keybinds from configuration file [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin started [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [NooseMod Controller] NooseMod successfully loaded 8 missions into the list. [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Started [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Mission Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Overall Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod.RelationshipSwitcher] Relationship Switcher: Ready [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Started [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.Supervillains] Started [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] TheWasteland: initialized. [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Plugin.WoutersCallouts] Started WoutersCallouts v1.1 [INFO - 8:54:53 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing done [ERROR - 20.54.54] [PluginManager] Unhandled exception caught while processing plugin: SecuricarThefts. Plugin will no longer be executed. [ERROR - 20.54.54] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 79 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 158 [ERROR - 20.54.54] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0026 Error hash: A086E6EB33C9383CB6906046980162E991F310F2 [ERROR - 20.54.54] [Main] CRITICAL ERROR DURING MAINLOOP! REPORT THIS ISSUE AT LCPDFR.COM BY INCLUDING THIS LOGFILE. [ERROR - 20.54.54] [] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 87 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 169 at LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Main.cs:line 293 [ERROR - 20.54.54] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0099 LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_00c9 Error hash: BE6CE69FCC80C5A847659D5618E85B3C6D0FF363 [INFO - 20.57.38] [NetworkManager] NetworkManager: In network session: False Is host: False [INFO - 20.54.56] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Internet connection available [INFO - 20.54.57] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Public IP Address is: [INFO - 20.54.59] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Found configuration for the masterserver, going to use API server v2.legacy.os.g17media.net [INFO - 20.54.59] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Establishing session with the LCPDFR server... [INFO - 20.55.00] [ServerCommunication] GetSession: Got session ID of 66dd9443-fff0-baab-f5c3-e00d397c428f from masterserver. [WARNING - 20.55.05] [Stats] CollectSystemInformation: Failed to upload stats: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. [INFO - 20.57.38] [Authentication] Authentication: Server available, using online authentication [INFO - 8:57:39 PM] [Plugin.Main] Running LCPD First Response LCPDFR 1.1 2011-2015 LMS (1.0.5552.34577) 3/15/2015 7:12:34 PM [INFO - 8:57:39 PM] [Plugin.Main] Copyright © 2010-2015, G17 Media, www.lcpdfr.com [INFO - 20.57.39] [UpdateCheck] DoUpdateCheck: Checking for updates [ERROR - 20.57.41] [ServerCommunication] GetLatestVersionString: Failed to query data [INFO - 20.57.41] [UpdateCheck] DoUpdateCheck: No updates available [INFO - 20.57.42] [Authentication] PerformOnlineAuthentication: Lease renewed [INFO - 20.57.42] [Authentication] Authentication: Authentication successful [INFO - 20.57.42] [Authentication] Authentication: Logged in as "Naruto607" [INFO - 8:59:03 PM] [Script.Ambient] Autosave is disabled [INFO - 8:59:03 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Callouts have been registered successfully [INFO - 8:59:03 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] OnDutyStateChanged performed properly. ------------------------ [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Log] Started [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing... [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Main] Main: LCPDFR Engine (C) 2011-2013 LMS [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Main] Main: DO NOT USE THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT SHARE, MODIFY OR DECOMPILE THIS FILE. [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [PluginManager] Initialize: Loading custom plugins [WARNING - 9:46:16 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid entry [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE2 [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter PSTOCKADE [WARNING - 9:46:16 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid option: POLICE3 [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.Main] Changing language to en-US [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin detected version: [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Checking calloutsPlus.ini file... [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Reading keybinds from configuration file [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin started [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [NooseMod Controller] NooseMod successfully loaded 8 missions into the list. [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Started [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Mission Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Overall Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod.RelationshipSwitcher] Relationship Switcher: Ready [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Started [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.Supervillains] Started [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] TheWasteland: initialized. [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Plugin.WoutersCallouts] Started WoutersCallouts v1.1 [INFO - 9:46:16 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing done [ERROR - 21.46.16] [PluginManager] Unhandled exception caught while processing plugin: SecuricarThefts. Plugin will no longer be executed. [ERROR - 21.46.16] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 79 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 158 [ERROR - 21.46.16] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0026 Error hash: A086E6EB33C9383CB6906046980162E991F310F2 [ERROR - 21.46.16] [Main] CRITICAL ERROR DURING MAINLOOP! REPORT THIS ISSUE AT LCPDFR.COM BY INCLUDING THIS LOGFILE. [ERROR - 21.46.16] [] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 87 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 169 at LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Main.cs:line 293 [ERROR - 21.46.16] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0099 LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_00c9 Error hash: BE6CE69FCC80C5A847659D5618E85B3C6D0FF363 [INFO - 21.46.16] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Internet connection available [INFO - 9:46:17 PM] [Plugin.Main] Running LCPD First Response LCPDFR 1.1 2011-2015 LMS (1.0.5552.34577) 3/15/2015 7:12:34 PM [INFO - 9:46:17 PM] [Plugin.Main] Copyright © 2010-2015, G17 Media, www.lcpdfr.com [INFO - 21.46.17] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Public IP Address is: [INFO - 21.46.20] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Found configuration for the masterserver, going to use API server v2.legacy.os.g17media.net [INFO - 21.46.20] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Establishing session with the LCPDFR server... [INFO - 21.46.21] [ServerCommunication] GetSession: Got session ID of 5ac09238-e6f6-f565-e49b-b31dd7812f2c from masterserver. [WARNING - 21.46.22] [Stats] CollectSystemInformation: Failed to upload stats: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. [INFO - 9:46:24 PM] [NetworkManager] NetworkManager: In network session: False Is host: False [INFO - 21.46.24] [Authentication] Authentication: Server available, using online authentication [INFO - 21.46.25] [Authentication] PerformOnlineAuthentication: Lease renewed [INFO - 21.46.25] [Authentication] Authentication: Authentication successful [INFO - 21.46.25] [Authentication] Authentication: Logged in as "Naruto607" [INFO - 9:47:16 PM] [Script.Ambient] Autosave is disabled [INFO - 9:47:16 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Callouts have been registered successfully [INFO - 9:47:16 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] OnDutyStateChanged performed properly. ------------------------ [INFO - 10:01:48 PM] [Log] Started [INFO - 10:01:48 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing... [INFO - 10:01:48 PM] [Main] Main: LCPDFR Engine (C) 2011-2013 LMS [INFO - 10:01:48 PM] [Main] Main: DO NOT USE THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT SHARE, MODIFY OR DECOMPILE THIS FILE. [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [PluginManager] Initialize: Loading custom plugins [WARNING - 10:01:49 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid entry [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE2 [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter PSTOCKADE [WARNING - 10:01:49 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid entry POLICE3 [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.Main] Changing language to en-US [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin detected version: [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Checking calloutsPlus.ini file... [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Reading keybinds from configuration file [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin started [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [NooseMod Controller] NooseMod successfully loaded 8 missions into the list. [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Started [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Mission Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Overall Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod.RelationshipSwitcher] Relationship Switcher: Ready [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Started [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.Supervillains] Started [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] TheWasteland: initialized. [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Plugin.WoutersCallouts] Started WoutersCallouts v1.1 [INFO - 10:01:49 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing done [ERROR - 22.01.49] [PluginManager] Unhandled exception caught while processing plugin: SecuricarThefts. Plugin will no longer be executed. [ERROR - 22.01.49] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 79 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 158 [ERROR - 22.01.49] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0026 Error hash: A086E6EB33C9383CB6906046980162E991F310F2 [ERROR - 22.01.49] [Main] CRITICAL ERROR DURING MAINLOOP! REPORT THIS ISSUE AT LCPDFR.COM BY INCLUDING THIS LOGFILE. [ERROR - 22.01.49] [] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 87 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 169 at LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Main.cs:line 293 [ERROR - 22.01.49] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0099 LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_00c9 Error hash: BE6CE69FCC80C5A847659D5618E85B3C6D0FF363 [INFO - 22.01.49] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Internet connection available [INFO - 22.01.49] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Public IP Address is: [INFO - 10:01:50 PM] [Plugin.Main] Running LCPD First Response LCPDFR 1.1 2011-2015 LMS (1.0.5552.34577) 3/15/2015 7:12:34 PM [INFO - 10:01:50 PM] [Plugin.Main] Copyright © 2010-2015, G17 Media, www.lcpdfr.com [INFO - 22.01.53] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Found configuration for the masterserver, going to use API server v2.legacy.os.g17media.net [INFO - 22.01.53] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Establishing session with the LCPDFR server... [INFO - 22.01.54] [ServerCommunication] GetSession: Got session ID of 5977f83f-2da5-e7d9-3b23-8f75ebc6ee01 from masterserver. [WARNING - 22.01.54] [Stats] CollectSystemInformation: Failed to upload stats: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. [INFO - 10:01:56 PM] [NetworkManager] NetworkManager: In network session: False Is host: False [INFO - 22.01.56] [Authentication] Authentication: Server available, using online authentication [INFO - 22.01.57] [Authentication] PerformOnlineAuthentication: Lease renewed [INFO - 22.01.57] [Authentication] Authentication: Authentication successful [INFO - 22.01.57] [Authentication] Authentication: Logged in as "Naruto607" [INFO - 10:02:54 PM] [Script.Ambient] Autosave is disabled [INFO - 10:02:54 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Callouts have been registered successfully [INFO - 10:02:54 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] OnDutyStateChanged performed properly. ------------------------ [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Log] Started [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing... [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Main] Main: LCPDFR Engine (C) 2011-2013 LMS [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Main] Main: DO NOT USE THIS WITHOUT PERMISSION. YOU MAY NOT SHARE, MODIFY OR DECOMPILE THIS FILE. [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [PluginManager] Initialize: Loading custom plugins [WARNING - 10:17:41 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid entry [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter POLICE2 [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Suspect transporter PSTOCKADE [WARNING - 10:17:41 PM] [Settings] ReadSettings: Invalid option: POLICE3 [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.Main] Changing language to en-US [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin detected version: [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Checking calloutsPlus.ini file... [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Reading keybinds from configuration file [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.Callouts+] Plugin started [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [NooseMod Controller] NooseMod successfully loaded 8 missions into the list. [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Started [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Mission Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Overall Stats Adapter details: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\LCPDFR\Plugins\NooseMod\Stats.mdb [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod] Server Version: 04.00.0000 [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.NooseMod.RelationshipSwitcher] Relationship Switcher: Ready [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Started [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.Supervillains] Started [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] TheWasteland: initialized. [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Plugin.WoutersCallouts] Started WoutersCallouts v1.1 [INFO - 10:17:41 PM] [Main] Main: Initializing done [ERROR - 22.17.41] [PluginManager] Unhandled exception caught while processing plugin: SecuricarThefts. Plugin will no longer be executed. [ERROR - 22.17.41] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 79 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 158 [ERROR - 22.17.41] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Process() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0026 Error hash: A086E6EB33C9383CB6906046980162E991F310F2 [ERROR - 22.17.41] [Main] CRITICAL ERROR DURING MAINLOOP! REPORT THIS ISSUE AT LCPDFR.COM BY INCLUDING THIS LOGFILE. [ERROR - 22.17.41] [] System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. at SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() in c:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\proyek_gta\SecuricarThefts\SecuricarThefts\Main.cs:line 87 at .() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Scripting\Plugins\PluginManager.cs:line 169 at LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.() in d:\GTA IV\LCPDFR\SVN\trunk\LCPD First Response\Engine\Main.cs:line 293 [ERROR - 22.17.41] [ExceptionHandler] SecuricarThefts.Main.Finally() L_0006 ‍‬‏‏‍‏​‭‏‏​‎‫‌‫‮‪‍‮‮‪‫‏‪‮.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_0099 LCPD_First_Response.Engine.Main.‌‪‫‫‏‮‍‫‎‭‍‮‫‏‭‏‮‬‏‭‍‎‍‍‬‫‌‮() L_00c9 Error hash: BE6CE69FCC80C5A847659D5618E85B3C6D0FF363 [INFO - 22.17.41] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Internet connection available [INFO - 22.17.42] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Public IP Address is: [INFO - 10:17:43 PM] [Plugin.Main] Running LCPD First Response LCPDFR 1.1 2011-2015 LMS (1.0.5552.34577) 3/15/2015 7:12:34 PM [INFO - 10:17:43 PM] [Plugin.Main] Copyright © 2010-2015, G17 Media, www.lcpdfr.com [INFO - 22.17.45] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Found configuration for the masterserver, going to use API server v2.legacy.os.g17media.net [INFO - 22.17.45] [ServerCommunication] InitializeConnection: Establishing session with the LCPDFR server... [INFO - 22.17.46] [ServerCommunication] GetSession: Got session ID of 3cf4a792-98d9-7045-1f64-e0f0cbe73ad0 from masterserver. [WARNING - 22.17.47] [Stats] CollectSystemInformation: Failed to upload stats: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. [INFO - 10:17:47 PM] [NetworkManager] NetworkManager: In network session: False Is host: False [INFO - 22.17.47] [Authentication] Authentication: Server available, using online authentication [INFO - 22.17.49] [Authentication] PerformOnlineAuthentication: Lease renewed [INFO - 22.17.49] [Authentication] Authentication: Authentication successful [INFO - 22.17.49] [Authentication] Authentication: Logged in as "Naruto607" [INFO - 10:18:43 PM] [Script.Ambient] Autosave is disabled [INFO - 10:18:43 PM] [Plugin.SecuricarThefts] Callouts have been registered successfully [INFO - 10:18:43 PM] [Plugin.TheWasteland] OnDutyStateChanged performed properly.