[2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.232] Started new log on 2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.232 [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.236] ==================================================================================================== [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.161] Log path: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\RagePluginHook.log [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.236] Log verbosity: Trivial [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.238] Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.249] Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.313] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115) [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.747] Initializing console variable "ConsoleScrollAmount". [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.747] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleScrollAmount [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.775] Read value: [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.775] Initializing console variable "ConsoleKey". [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.775] Type: System.Windows.Forms.Keys, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ConsoleKey [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.777] Read value: F4 [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.777] Setting value of console variable "ConsoleKey" to stored value. [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.777] Console key has been set to F4 (key code: 115) [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.777] Initializing console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold". [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.777] Type: System.Int32, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: PluginTimeoutThreshold [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.781] Read value: 30000 [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.781] Setting value of console variable "PluginTimeoutThreshold" to stored value. [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.781] Initializing console variable "AlwaysShowConsoleOutput". [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.781] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: AlwaysShowConsoleOutput [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.782] Read value: [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.782] Initializing console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad". [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.782] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.783] Read value: False [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.783] Setting value of console variable "ShowConsoleCommandInfoOnPluginLoad" to stored value. [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.783] Initializing console variable "ShowOnScreenWarnings". [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.783] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: ShowOnScreenWarnings [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.783] Read value: [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.783] Console initialized [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.783] Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.801] Cleaning temp folder [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.896] Version: RAGE Plugin Hook v1.74.1261.16020 for Grand Theft Auto V [2/1/2020 12:16:44 AM.905] ================ RAGE Plugin Hook ================ [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.029] Command line option "borderless-disableCustomLoadingScreen-disableCustomLoadingScreen" is specified twice. Please remove one. [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.061] Detected Windows 8 Home (64-bit) (6.2.9200.0)! [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.061] Checking game support [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.592] Product name: Grand Theft Auto V [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.592] Product version: 1.0.1868.0 [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.592] Is steam version: False [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.594] Initializing DirectX [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.598] Initializing Direct3D [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.598] Getting game swap chain [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.646] Swap Chain created: 0x7FF62D1BDFF8 [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.646] Swap Chain VTable: 0x1A1E8AE9680 [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.646] 0x74894810245C8948;0x8D48564157552024;0x170EC814890246C [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.646] D3D11Present: 0x7FF97DE54300 [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.646] D3D11ResizeBuffers: 0x7FF97DE69A50 [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.646] D3D11ResizeTarget: 0x7FF97DEB7C20 [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.646] D3D11SetFullscreenState: 0x7FF97DE71580 [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.647] Direct3D initialized [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.648] Initialized DirectX [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.648] Direct3D watcher thread spawned [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.653] Getting device [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.653] Retrieved device [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.653] Creating wrapper [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.880] Wrapper created [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.957] Effect created [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.957] Creating buffer [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.957] Created buffer [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.958] Creating blend state [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.958] Created blend state [2/1/2020 12:16:45 AM.958] Done with creation [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.744] Initializing texture system. [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.744] Initializing texture system; phase 1 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.744] Initializing texture system; phase 2 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.926] Initializing texture system; phase 3 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.927] Initializing texture system; phase 4 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.945] Initializing texture system; phase 5 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.947] Initializing texture system; phase 6 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.949] Initializing texture system; phase 7 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.954] Initializing texture system; phase 8 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.956] Initializing texture system; phase 9 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.958] Initializing texture system; phase 10 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.964] Initializing texture system; phase 11 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.964] Initializing texture system; phase 12 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.967] Initializing texture system; phase 13 [2/1/2020 12:16:46 AM.967] Initializing texture system; phase 14 [2/1/2020 12:16:50 AM.648] Direct3D watcher thread ended [2/1/2020 12:17:17 AM.401] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing game support [2/1/2020 12:17:17 AM.654] Initializing game support [2/1/2020 12:17:23 AM.360] LoadingScreenMsg: Velocity limit removed [2/1/2020 12:17:23 AM.683] Compatibility level: 0 [2/1/2020 12:17:23 AM.683] Supported version detected [2/1/2020 12:17:23 AM.683] ================================================== [2/1/2020 12:17:23 AM.683] LoadingScreenMsg: Patching code [2/1/2020 12:17:23 AM.933] LoadingScreenMsg: Waiting for game initialization [2/1/2020 12:17:24 AM.184] Waiting for game initialization [2/1/2020 12:17:24 AM.286] LoadingScreenMsg: Initializing core [2/1/2020 12:17:24 AM.537] Initializing hook [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.620] LoadingScreenMsg: Completing interoperability [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.871] Completing interoperability [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.872] Initialization code 1. [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.872] Initialization code 2. [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.872] Initialization code 3. [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.903] 1 Address: 0x00007FF62B0CAE4C [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.903] Calling func 1 [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.945] 2 Address: 0x00007FF62BC3D17A [2/1/2020 12:17:29 AM.946] 3 Address: 0x00007FF62A6B5D2E [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.003] Address: 0x00007FF62BC3D124 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.003] Unknown var: 0x00007FF62CC5D960 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.003] Initialization code 4. [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.003] Initialization code 5. [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.003] Completing interoperability, phase 1 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.004] Completing interoperability, phase 2 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.004] Completing interoperability, phase 3 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.004] Completing interoperability, phase 4 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.004] Completing interoperability, phase 5 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.004] Completing interoperability, phase 6 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.004] Completing interoperability, phase 7 [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.004] LoadingScreenMsg: [2/1/2020 12:17:30 AM.255] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading Story Mode [2/1/2020 12:18:04 AM.627] LoadingScreenMsg: Loading and Populating Game World [2/1/2020 12:18:04 AM.878] LoadingScreenMsg: [2/1/2020 12:18:48 AM.201] Initializing console variable "IsDeveloperModeEnabled". [2/1/2020 12:18:48 AM.201] Type: System.Boolean, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: IsDeveloperModeEnabled [2/1/2020 12:18:48 AM.202] Read value: [2/1/2020 12:18:48 AM.202] Initializing console variable "TimeScale". [2/1/2020 12:18:48 AM.202] Type: System.Single, Reading section: "Miscellaneous", key: TimeScale [2/1/2020 12:18:48 AM.203] Read value: [2/1/2020 12:21:54 AM.008] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:21:54 AM.012] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:21:54 AM.019] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:21:56 AM.828] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:21:56 AM.829] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:21:56 AM.831] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:21:59 AM.452] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:21:59 AM.454] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:21:59 AM.456] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:22:01 AM.984] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:22:01 AM.985] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:22:01 AM.987] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:22:04 AM.266] BodyCam: BodyCam by ~b~Sebo ~w~and ~b~Scaarus~w~ has been loaded successfully. [2/1/2020 12:22:09 AM.558] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started loading LSPDFR [2/1/2020 12:22:09 AM.558] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Running LSPD First Response 0.4.6 (0.4.7297.8062) [2/1/2020 12:22:09 AM.559] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Compiled on 24 Dec 2019 03:28:43 UTC [2/1/2020 12:22:09 AM.559] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Copyright © 2015-2019, G17 Media, www.lspdfr.com [2/1/2020 12:22:13 AM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CopManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:15 AM.352] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:15 AM.390] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.592] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/outfits.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.738] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 23 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.738] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 31 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.738] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.738] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 64 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.739] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 72 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.739] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 80 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.739] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 111 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.739] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 138 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 174 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 207 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 220 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 259 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 273 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 309 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 323 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 363 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 391 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 425 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 453 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 484 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.740] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 502 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 529 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 547 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 581 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 615 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 650 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 677 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 711 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 741 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.741] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_army_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.743] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_bcso_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.752] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Prop ID 0 specified multiple times for Visor Up - m_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.752] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_coastal_uscg.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_doa_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.780] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_fib_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.783] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_iaa_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.784] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_lsia_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.784] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_lspd_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.790] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_lssd_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.802] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_medics_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.802] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_noose_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.804] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_papd_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.804] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sadcr_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.804] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sahp_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.807] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sasp_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.955] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.956] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.956] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/cop_presets_outfits.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 11, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 25 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 25, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 32 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 32, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 39, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 47 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 47, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 56 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 56, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 71, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 85 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 85, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 92 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 92, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 100 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 100, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 115, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 129 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 129, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 136 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 136, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 143 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 143, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 151 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 151, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 160 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 160, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 175, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 189 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 189, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 196 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 196, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 204 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 204, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 219, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 233 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 233, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 240 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 240, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 247 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.958] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 247, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 255 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 255, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 264 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 264, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 279, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 293 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 293, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 300 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 300, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 308 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 308, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 403, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 418, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Commander at line 426, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 440, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 461, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 481, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 494 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 494, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 507, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 520 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 520, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 533, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 546 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.959] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 546, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 559, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 572 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 572, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 585, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 598 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 598, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 611, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 624 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 624, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 732 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 764 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 796 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.960] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 828 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 951 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 976 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1002 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1028 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1054 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1133 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1160 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1187 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1214 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1241 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1268 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1297 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1330 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1363 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.962] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1396 [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.962] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loaded 248 freemode outfits and 55 preset outfits [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.974] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_dept_3 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:22:20 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_sgt for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:22:23 AM.163] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:22:23 AM.230] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:22:23 AM.418] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:22:23 AM.918] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Ben J. as character [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.079] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.079] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.116] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.457] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michelle Meto as character [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.458] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.458] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.889] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.889] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:22:24 AM.890] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.266] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.491] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.492] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.828] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.828] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:22:25 AM.828] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.060] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.060] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.061] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.187] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Prianshu Singh as character [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.287] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.287] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.330] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/regions.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.348] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/regions_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.435] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.435] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.572] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/backup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.582] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/backup_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:26 AM.583] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/backup_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.018] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.018] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.498] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/agency.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.565] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.565] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model cgtruck [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.566] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model cgtruck [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.566] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_coastal_boats.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.566] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model defender [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.566] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model rbm [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model defender [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model defender [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model rbm [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_coastal_helis.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model jayhawk [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid ped model s_m_y_uscg_03 [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid ped model s_m_y_uscg_03 [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model mh65 [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid ped model s_m_y_uscg_03 [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.567] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.568] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model police5 [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.568] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model police6 [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.568] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model police7 [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.596] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.596] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.826] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/inventory.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.891] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to parse as chance [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.896] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/inventory_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.897] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/inventory_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.916] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player was in vehicle: False [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.916] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Last selected character was Prianshu Singh, should spawn as last character False [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.917] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Choosing random character [2/1/2020 12:22:27 AM.929] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Changing current player character to Prianshu Singh [2/1/2020 12:22:28 AM.090] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CharacterSelected: 456 [2/1/2020 12:22:28 AM.091] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Character changed, creating new stats object [2/1/2020 12:22:28 AM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PedHistoryManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:28 AM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerCharacterStatsManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:28 AM.202] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GamePlayer #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:28 AM.400] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialized telemtry service [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.115] LSPD First Response: We have 2 appartments registered [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.129] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 0605 Spanish Ave at: X:347.1727 Y:-1001.406 Z:-99.1962 [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.139] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 0605 Spanish Ave, Interior is 148225 [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.140] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 2874 Hillcrest at: X:-859.5645 Y:688.7182 Z:152.8571 [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.140] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 2874 Hillcrest, Interior is 207361 [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.140] LSPD First Response: ApartmentManager initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.146] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #1 [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.148] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #2 [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread DiscordRichPresence #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.914] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CheckpointManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.975] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ApartmentManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:29 AM.987] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SpanishAve0605 #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:30 AM.009] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:30 AM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Hillcrest2874 #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:30 AM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #2 initialized [2/1/2020 12:22:30 AM.021] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread MenuManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:06 AM.915] LSPDFR is still loading [2/1/2020 12:23:14 AM.256] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Graceful termination [2/1/2020 12:23:14 AM.593] LSPD First Response: [FATAL] Exception while unloading: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. [2/1/2020 12:23:14 AM.593] at 9gvppq#qn!.OnUnload(Boolean isTerminating) in E:\GTA V\LSPD First Response\LSPD First Response\Mod\LSPDFR.cs:line 717 [2/1/2020 12:23:15 AM.734] LSPD First Response: [INFO] LSPDFR has shut down [2/1/2020 12:23:18 AM.014] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:23:18 AM.015] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:23:18 AM.017] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:23:20 AM.076] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:23:20 AM.078] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:23:20 AM.080] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:23:22 AM.105] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:23:22 AM.106] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:23:22 AM.108] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:23:24 AM.436] : Initializing input system [2/1/2020 12:23:24 AM.436] : Initializing game console [2/1/2020 12:23:24 AM.438] : Initializing forms manager [2/1/2020 12:23:25 AM.054] BodyCam: BodyCam by ~b~Sebo ~w~and ~b~Scaarus~w~ has been loaded successfully. [2/1/2020 12:23:28 AM.539] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started loading LSPDFR [2/1/2020 12:23:28 AM.540] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Running LSPD First Response 0.4.6 (0.4.7297.8062) [2/1/2020 12:23:28 AM.540] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Compiled on 24 Dec 2019 03:28:43 UTC [2/1/2020 12:23:28 AM.540] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Copyright © 2015-2019, G17 Media, www.lspdfr.com [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.064] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.070] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.078] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/outfits.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.171] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 23 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.172] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 31 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.172] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.172] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 64 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.172] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 72 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.172] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 80 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.172] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 111 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.172] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 138 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 174 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 207 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 220 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 259 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 273 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 309 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 323 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 363 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 391 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 425 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 453 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 484 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 502 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 529 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.173] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 547 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.174] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 581 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.174] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 615 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.174] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 650 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.174] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 677 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.174] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 711 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.174] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 741 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.174] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_army_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.175] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_bcso_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.180] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Prop ID 0 specified multiple times for Visor Up - m_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.180] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_coastal_uscg.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.184] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_doa_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.186] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.202] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_fib_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.205] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_iaa_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.206] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_lsia_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.207] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_lspd_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.216] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_lssd_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.226] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_medics_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.228] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_noose_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.228] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_papd_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.229] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sadcr_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.229] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sahp_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.233] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/outfits_sasp_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.233] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.233] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.233] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/cop_presets_outfits.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 11, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 25 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 25, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 32 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 32, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 39 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 39, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 47 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 47, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 56 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 56, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 71, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 85 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 85, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 92 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 92, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 100 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 100, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 115, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 129 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 129, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 136 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 136, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 143 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 143, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 151 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 151, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 160 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 160, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 175, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 189 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 189, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 196 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 196, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 204 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 204, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 219, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 233 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III+1 at line 233, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 240 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 240, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 247 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 247, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 255 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III+1 at line 255, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 264 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Detective at line 264, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 279, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 293 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer III at line 293, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 300 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer at line 300, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 308 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Officer III at line 308, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Officer at line 403, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Detective at line 418, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Commander at line 426, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 440, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Motor Patrol at line 461, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 481, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 494 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 494, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 507, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 520 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 520, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 533, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.235] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 546 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 546, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 559, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 572 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 572, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 585, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 598 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 598, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Deputy at line 611, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 624 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No gender specified for outfit variation Armored Deputy at line 624, defaulting to male [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 732 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 764 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 796 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 828 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 951 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 976 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1002 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1028 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1054 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1133 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1160 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1187 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1214 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1241 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1268 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.236] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1297 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1330 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.237] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1363 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.238] LSPD First Response: [WARN] No name for outfit variation at line 1396 [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.238] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Loaded 248 freemode outfits and 55 preset outfits [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_ofc_31 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_dept_3 for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_raincoat for m_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation f_raincoat for f_base [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Invalid base variation m_sgt for m_senior [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.628] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.655] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.736] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:23:30 AM.943] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Ben J. as character [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.016] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.048] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.217] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Michelle Meto as character [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.217] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.217] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/chars [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.297] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.298] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.298] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.543] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.702] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.702] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.703] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.928] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.928] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:23:31 AM.930] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.090] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Load HeadBlendData [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.090] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Trying to get FSD [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.090] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] wanted info not exist [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.188] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Adding Prianshu Singh as character [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.192] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.192] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.193] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/regions.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.196] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/regions_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.197] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.197] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.197] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/backup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/backup_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.200] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/backup_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.201] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.201] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.201] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/agency.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.239] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.240] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model cgtruck [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.241] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model cgtruck [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_coastal_boats.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model defender [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model rbm [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model defender [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model defender [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model rbm [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_coastal_helis.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model jayhawk [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid ped model s_m_y_uscg_03 [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid ped model s_m_y_uscg_03 [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model mh65 [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid ped model s_m_y_uscg_03 [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.242] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/agency_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.243] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model police5 [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.243] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model police6 [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.243] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Invalid vehicle model police7 [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.257] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.257] LSPD First Response: [WARN] Path without extension: lspdfr/data/custom [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.257] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:lspdfr/data/inventory.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.267] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Failed to parse as chance [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.268] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/inventory_coastal.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.268] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] ExpandableFileParser::Parse: Reading content from file:C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto V/lspdfr/data/custom/inventory_eup.xml [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.272] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Player was in vehicle: False [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.272] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Last selected character was Prianshu Singh, should spawn as last character False [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.272] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Choosing random character [2/1/2020 12:23:32 AM.276] LSPD First Response: [INFO] Changing current player character to Prianshu Singh [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.324] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] CharacterSelected: 456 [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.325] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Character changed, creating new stats object [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.336] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialized telemtry service [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.388] LSPD First Response: We have 2 appartments registered [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.391] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 0605 Spanish Ave at: X:347.1727 Y:-1001.406 Z:-99.1962 [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.397] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 0605 Spanish Ave, Interior is 148225 [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.398] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Finding Interior ID for 2874 Hillcrest at: X:-859.5645 Y:688.7182 Z:152.8571 [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.399] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Initialised Apartment: 2874 Hillcrest, Interior is 207361 [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.399] LSPD First Response: ApartmentManager initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.403] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #1 [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.405] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Started new menu thread MenuBase #2 [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.757] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CopManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PedHistoryManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread PlayerCharacterStatsManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.758] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread GamePlayer #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.761] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread DiscordRichPresence #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.949] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread CheckpointManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.955] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread ApartmentManager #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.957] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread SpanishAve0605 #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.961] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.966] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Hillcrest2874 #1 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.966] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread Marker #2 initialized [2/1/2020 12:23:33 AM.966] LSPD First Response: [TRACE] Thread MenuManager #1 initialized