Log started on: 21:25:40 11-4-2018 ------------------------ [INFO - 21:25:40] Gameversion - [INFO - 21:25:40] XLiveLess present - skipping xlive changes [INFO - 21:25:40] Improving ELS compatibility [INFO - 21:25:40] AdvancedHook 0.38 (C) 2010-2015 LMS - Initialized [INFO - 21:25:40] E-Mail: lms@lcpdfr.com [INFO - 21:25:40] Permission granted for LCPDFR & ELS only [INFO - 21:25:40] Thanks to listener, aru, #iv-modding and cp702 [INFO - 21:25:40] Attaching exception handler... [INFO - 21:25:40] Exception handler attached [INFO - 21:25:40] Patching game functions... [INFO - 21:29:40] An exception occured [INFO - 21:29:40] Minidump saved [INFO - 21:29:40] Process: 730000 Address: 1102C1F (Faulting module: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto IV Episodes from Liberty City\EFLC\EFLC.exe loaded into process space at B30000 - function offset without PE header is: 5D1C1F) Code: C0000005 Registerdump - EAX: 0 EBP: 247F454 EBX: 193 ECX: 7513600 EDI: 0 EDX: 247F210 EIP: 1102C1F ESI: 12032C ESP: 247F294 [INFO - 21:29:40] Launching LCPDFR Diagnostics Tool [INFO - 21:29:40] Launching LCPDFR error reporter